
Distributed and collective musical performance composed for the Re-birth day 2023, initiated by Michelangelo Pistoletto.

The performance emphasizes the relationship between soundscapes and daily life, virtual networks and human networks, digital spaces and real spaces. The sonic environment surrounding us is closely tied to the quality of our existence, and in current life, we immerse ourselves increasingly in low-definition artificial sound environments (cities, work, home), further distancing ourselves from natural soundscapes. This phenomenon is so pronounced that we have had to introduce technological solutions to create silence in our lives (such as noise-canceling headphone systems) or to introduce natural soundscapes into homes and work environments (real and/or virtual). The performance also aims to prompt the viewer/performer to reassess the role of their smartphone: from a focal point of our attention to a propagator of artistic sharing and a tool that encourages us to look up and raise our voices, making us protagonists of the performance and breaking the boundary between spectator and performer.

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The performance
Phase 0: (15 to 30 minutes before the performance) Rebirth Day participants positioned themselves in the designated area for each group. Each person is provided with a card containing a QR code. Individuals are invited to scan the QR code and connect to a live streaming session. There are four QR codes, each associated with a different and parallel part of the musical composition. Meanwhile, a streaming director has started playing the four multimedia streams.

Phase 1: 0’ – 5' Participants are invited to join hands, forming a long human chain. Meanwhile, mobile phones begin playing an electroacoustic composition created with sounds from soundscapes related to human activity: workplaces, streets, transportation, domestic environments, etc. As the composition unfolds, artificial soundscapes gradually transform into natural soundscapes.

Phase 2: 5’-10' Once the human chain is complete, people are invited to form, divided into groups, the symbols of the Third Paradise (or a large symbol in a square). In this phase, the soundscape is composed of natural sounds recorded in natural contexts around the city of Lecco, and at the end of the section, it transforms into a polarized vibration around a defined musical note. As the chain is broken, some musicians introduced among the people begin to interact with the surrounding soundscape.

Phase 3: 5'-15' The single note subdivides into a sequence of long notes and harmonies (overlap of streams). In this phase, participants are encouraged to vocalize the note played by their own mobile phones. Meanwhile, groups of musicians begin to improvise within each group, playing on the harmonies created by the participants and phones. Gradually, the performance fades away, directing attention to the real surrounding soundscape (a small tribute to Cage on the 111th anniversary of his birth).


"Crams - Centro Ricerca Arte Musica e Società" is the promoter of the event, in collaboration with the "Ambasciata dei Quartieri del Terzo Paradiso a Lecco" (Embassy of the Third Paradise Districts in Lecco).

Flashmob - "VirbAzione" is a distributed and participatory musical performance organized by Stefano Fumagalli, involving both the audience and improvising musicians.

Technical director Dario Galbusera - HDstudio.

Maurizio Fasoli and the students of the Music High School of Lecco, as well as all the participating musicians, are thanked.
