Tango de la luz
"Tango de la luz" is an inclusive musical performance composed for the final conference of the Interreg project."C4C - City for Care. In the performance, for the first time, the set of devices called "Pluto" is used in addition to traditional instruments. "Tango de la luz" musically develops the concept of the Third Paradise by artist Michelangelo Pistoletto, who inspired the C4C project. Music (like art in general) is seen as the tool capable of guiding humanity out of the darkness of contemporaneity. Lastly, it demonstrates how knowledge and technology, combined with art, can help us overcome the limits of fragility, creating support for personal and social well-being. The performance is also enriched by the choreography of two dancers who participated in the C4C project's research dedicated to rehabilitation through Tango dance. This is also where the idea of using a musical theme in the Tango style originated. In the central part of the performance, poetry is also featured with the recitation of Neruda's "Silenzio" through the voice of actor Simone Savogin. In the video, you can see Section 3 and Section 4. Here the full performance.
“Tango de la Luz”
Composed by Fumagalli Stefano
on stage:
Carla Belleza - Pluto (Sensori)
Raffaele Sathya Pani – Pluto (Sensori)
Stefano Fumagalli – Guitar
Luca Pedeferri – Accordion
Maurizio Rocca – Bass
Recorded voice – Simone Savogin
“Silenzio” by Pablo Neruda
Mariella Arnaudo e Giuseppe Camagna
Danilo Spada
Sound engineer
Dario Galbusera
Thanks to
Regione Lombardia
Progetto Interreg City for Care
Crams Lecco
I quartieri del terzo paradiso Lecco
Spazio Vita\ Ospedale Niguarda
Elisa Veronelli per il design dei sensori