Gruppo Làbun

In the sections below, I present some of the documentation materials from the work carried out with the Làbun Group. Unfortunately, in those years (early 2000s), documentation possibilities were much less accessible to everyone (especially to three broke students), so we had to make do with whatever came our way! Nevertheless, I hope the images can convey at least partially the sense of the works. I consider the experience gained in those years a fundamental point in my training. Thanks to the skills acquired with the group, I was able to tackle all the different multimedia production jobs mentioned on this site.

The works produced with Gruppo Làbun have been exhibited in international contexts and have won numerous awards. Here is a brief summary:

-Festival Feedback, San Casciano Val di Pesa (FI), Italia.
-Premio “Giovani Talenti Cercasi”, Pisa, Italia;


-FucinaOFF; Spoleto (PG).
-NeMe: The Mirror Stage, Cyprus.
-Yeosu Art Festival, SouthCorea.
-Re:new, Copenhagen, Danimarca.

-Optica Festival, Gijòn, Spagna.
-Festival “Uscite d'emergenza”, Milano;
-PX_Piombino_eXperimenta3 (LI);
-Parigi, Avant-rue/, Francia;
-Sassari, finali del Premio Nazionale delle Arti;
-Xtend - Dance for Camera Screening, Digital Media Center (South Hill Park), Bracknell (UK);

-Festival Danza imMEDIAta, Milano;
-Grand prize for Digital Music, Digital Arts Award 2006, Tokyo, Giappone;
-Venezia, isola di S.Servolo, Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems 2006;
-Biennale dei Giovani Artisti, Imperia (primo premio nella sezione "Originalità");
-Rovereto (TN), MART, ParticipART 2006 (art track della Participatory Design Conference 2006).
-ParoLario", Como;
-Mantova, premio per migliore performance di musica contemporanea alMantova Musica Festival 2005;


In 2005, I founded, along with Alessandro Perini and Vincenzo D'Angelo, a multimedia artistic experimentation group called Gruppo Làbun. The group explored the field of interactive art, both in performative and multimedia installation forms. The group's production was characterized by the combination of contemporary music, multimedia art, and technological innovation.
